Zion Canyon 2011

Zion Canyon 2011
Zion Revisited 2011

How To Approach an Ultra or Ironman

Jordan Rapp quote sums it up!

This Jordan Rapp quote sums it up.
"It's about the process. It doesn't matter what you do tomorrow and it doesn't matter what you did yesterday. It's about today, and making today count. That's especially true in training, but it's the same mentality that I carry into racing. Focus on the task at hand, not on the finish line, or the next part of the race, but what it is that is right there in front of you in the moment."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Want My Mojo Back

  I've been down in the dumps for a while.I feel like I'm living in a Country and Western song. I won't go into details. They say bad things happen in 3's, but I'm up to about 6. I get the results on my Rotator Cuff Ultrasound on Friday, and no matter what, I'm going to try to make it a positive experience. If it's bad and I need an operation, I've just retired. They can work magic with arthroscopy these days, and I know I'll be good as new in 9 months.
  If I don't need an operation, I will need rehab, as I still can't lift a jar of pickles above my head. I know because I just tried!
Anyhoo, I went for a run today, and killed it. 13km in 1:19. My stoopid knee feels OK. I'm actually doing better than last year at this time, when I slipped in my stupid NB Minimusis and cracked some ribs. Despite that little setback, I still had a pretty good summer, and even set a road marathon PB in November. If I can come back from broken ribs, a rotator cuff should be easy. I'll be able to run but unable to work, if I have this figured out right.
  Hey, off topic, "The Boy" got asked to help out with Global TV's launch of the new National Geographic Channel. He is a councilor at a kid's Animal Camp. Imagine his surprise when he got up close and personal to a 9 month old Siberian Tiger. Bitch (or whatever you call a female tiger) was huge!
Not Even A Year Old. The tiger, not The Boy.

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