Zion Canyon 2011

Zion Canyon 2011
Zion Revisited 2011

How To Approach an Ultra or Ironman

Jordan Rapp quote sums it up!

This Jordan Rapp quote sums it up.
"It's about the process. It doesn't matter what you do tomorrow and it doesn't matter what you did yesterday. It's about today, and making today count. That's especially true in training, but it's the same mentality that I carry into racing. Focus on the task at hand, not on the finish line, or the next part of the race, but what it is that is right there in front of you in the moment."

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lobsterfest Cheat Night and a 3:45? Run

"The Boy" is home from Halifax for reading week, so we had the traditional Lobsterfest. First, the Lobster Race.
I took this cheesy photo for the 100 Yellow Beers in 100 Places Blog.
Next we boiled them up. We had a nice Caesar Salad with them instead of fries, so basically, the cheat was the beer I drank while cooking and eating them.
$6.99/lb. at T&T Market on Cherry Street.
 So on Sunday Captain, Cyrus and me picked up Dora and went to run 20 miles on The Bruce Trail. Conditions were icy and the sun disappeared shortly after we started. Captain set up 4 aid stations for us.

Dora coming into an aid station.

At one point, we came out of the woods and found ourselves at the top of the Kelso Ski Hill.
So we ran past some surprised skiers, then along the top of the escarpment. It gave us some incredible views.
That's Dora in the light blue jacket running along the rim.You had to watch your step.....Note the ski skool on the right.

Nice view further along the ridge.

No freeze up this winter.

Taken from the 2:16 Bridge.

Captain coming down an icy stretch.

Close to the end.
Cyrus and Captain are in mid season form and hammered the course. Dora and I kind of hung back, she was keeping me from getting lost on the intricate trail route Captain had set up. Next time I get my own map. I'm guessing I ran 3:45, I keep forgetting to stop and start my watch at the aid stations.
  No weigh in this week, I am afraid to look.I gonna try and be extra good once "The Boy" goes back to school. He's kind of a bad influence on me.