Zion Canyon 2011

Zion Canyon 2011
Zion Revisited 2011

How To Approach an Ultra or Ironman

Jordan Rapp quote sums it up!

This Jordan Rapp quote sums it up.
"It's about the process. It doesn't matter what you do tomorrow and it doesn't matter what you did yesterday. It's about today, and making today count. That's especially true in training, but it's the same mentality that I carry into racing. Focus on the task at hand, not on the finish line, or the next part of the race, but what it is that is right there in front of you in the moment."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Omelettes and Running

My Famous Four Egger
 No other food fits the primal lifestyle quite like eggs. Can't you just picture our hunter gatherer ancestors collecting eggs? Nature's perfect food, and it comes in it's own package.  OOOhhhh but what about all that cholesterol!!! Don't believe it for a second. There's dietary cholesterol, and blood cholesterol. I don't believe eating foods high in cholesterol will raise your blood cholesterol. Well, maybe your good cholesterol. Then again, I've never had a heart attack, maybe if I had , I might think differently. Lots of people avoid eating cholesterol like the plague, and still have high levels in their blood. Conversely, how do you explain This Guy?
  Anyhoo, I was watching my #1 Favourite Cooking Show, and a guest French Chef showed how to make a proper omelette. Man, was I ever doing it wrong. You take your four eggs, put them in a bowl, add chives, salt and pepper, and whip the crap out of them. This aerates the eggs, and results in a huge, fluffy omelette. That's my latest effort in the photo above.
  My "go to" crash "ketogenic" diet is nothing but eggs, bacon, avocados and sardines for a week or two. Sardines come in many different flavours, my favourite is Jalepeno. Just make sure they don't add any sugar.
You'll get sick of these pretty fast.

You will be shopping for new clothes, 'cause you will drop weight very quickly! I actually eat less on this diet, because I get so sick of eating the same things I kind of lose my appetite. I don't feel hungry, so I just don't eat as much.
  Losing weight makes everything more fun, especially running! The best time to do this is when you are not training hard, I will be doing it again in January or February.*
On another note, you have to enjoy life, so don't forget to cheat 20% of the time.
Danny Kassap, one of Canada's Best. 2:17 marathoner, died age 28. Running by this two or three times a week puts things in perspective. We both trained in the same cemetery where he is now buried.
Looks like 11 days until the Mesquite Marathon. I better start tapering.
Not the most scenic marathon. I think you can see the finish line from the start! I'm kidding, of course.
 The winner in each age group gets a custom cowbell from cowbells.com. What a great prize, we all need more cowbell! Let's hope the fast 50+ year olds stay home. Beaver has the 45-50 category in the bag.

* I am not a doctor or even a dietitian, I just know what works for me. Don't even think about suing me if it doesn't work for you!

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